Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Fall Sports Guide 2007

The Fall Sports Guide was a little sleeker and more well thought out overall, although I was less hands on in it's creation and more of a director conceptually (hey, like what a real art director should be!). It was also published after the addition of the weekend tab section of the paper, where all "special sections" are now regulated. To be honest, I didn't like working in this format overall for sports, but it worked out pretty well for the cover, which is after the jump.

This is probably the 2nd or 3rd draft of this idea, as I ended up having to sacrifice a few issues like spacing and word placement to the fact that the sports boys refused to let me lead off with less popular sports.

That's how it finally appeared in the paper. I'm personally still partial to my placement of the words Fall Sports, but I compromise is king.

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